Environmental projects

  • “Star Earth”

    2009 Soil 800x800x200 cm Park Dina, Israel

  • “And Time to Displace”

    2009 Tree, plastic mannequin 250x400x230 cm Park Dina, Israel

  • “Labyrinth”

    2008 Soil 100 x 220 x 180 cm. Park Dina, Arsuf, Israel

  • “Chaplet”

    2012 wood, 400 x 350 x 60 cm. Green Gallery, Israel.

  • “Chaplet”

    2012 wood 400 x 350 x 60 cm Green Gallery, Israel

  • “wheel”

  • “Wild Flowers”

    2007 Grass,80 x 1500 x 1500 cm, Arsuf, Israel.

  • “Point”

    2010 Earth 4.5 x 160 x 70 meter Arsuf Kedem, Israel

  • “Offering”

    2008 Flowers, fabric 100 x 1200 x 110 cm Park Dina, Arsuf, Israel

  • “Saucepan”

    2004 stone, iron, concrete, Arsuf, Israel.

  • “Liberty of move”

    2003 stone, 250 x 900 x 160 cm. Open Museum Hazerim, Israel.

  • “To the Orient”

    2004 Stone 300 x 800 x 200 cm. Horiche, Czech Republic.

  • “To the Orient”

    2004 Stone 300 x 800 x 200 cm, HOŘICE-Sculptural Park, Czech Republic

  • “Promenade”

    2000 Stone 130 x 290 x 70 cm Iguerande, France

  • “Seam”

    1989 Sand, grass 100 x 2500 x 2500 cm Givat-Brener, Israel

  • “Shadow”

    1997 Tree, grass, sawdust 350 x 400 x 250 cm, Holfgard, Denmark

  • “Made by God”

    1999 Stone 130 x 120 x 110 cm ,Vent Des Foret, France

  • “Holy Place”

    1997  Stone, iron, concrete, 120 x 500 x 500 cm,  Hollufgard,  Denmark

  • “Bosom”

    1996-99 Installation Tree, basalt 300 cm. high Hazor Haglilit, Israel

  • “Building”

    1989 Basalt 350 x 2500 x 2500 cm Kazrin, Israel

  • “Moment”

    1990 Sand, mirror 400 x 600 x 600 cm

  • “Tray”

    2010 Green Gallery Israel

  • “Reincarnation”

    1989 Soil, grass 100 x 300 x 170 cm each part 7 parts Givat-Brener, Israel

  • “Window into Another World”

    1989 Soil, grass, mirror 90 x 500 x 300 cm Givat-Brener, Israel

  • “Farts”

    1988 Soil, grass, 30 x 40 x 40 cm. each part, Givat-Brener, Israel.

  • “Balance”

    1989 soil, grass, 350 x 900 x 450 cm. Givat Brener, Israel.

  • “Boiling”

    1989 Soil, grass, 2500 x 2500 x 30 cm. Givat Brener, Israel.

  • 1987


    1987 Soil, grass, flowers 40 x 150 x 60 cm

  • “Bud”

    1989 Soil, grass, 180 x 600 x 400 cm. Givat-Brener, Israel.

  • “Layers”

    1988 Soil, 70 x 165 x 90 cm. Israel.

  • “Eyes”

    1984 Installation Negev desert, Israel

  • “Trap”

    1988 soil, hair, 160 x 80 x 60 cm. Israel.

  • “Our Liberty “

    1985 Installation Jaffa, Israel

  • “Genesis”

    1986 Soil, fire, nylon 80 x 160 x 100 cm.

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