2009 Earth, grass, 4.5 x 60 x 75 meter. Pedvale Open-Air Art Park, Latvia.
2009 Pedvale Open-Air Art Museum, Latvia.
The project “Ritual Cut” was created for the Pedvale Open-Air Art Museum, Latvia.
I was invited to residence for create an environmental work as a part of an international project “Memories from the Past”
Idea of project Ritual Cut is brings earth of Israel and Jewish spirit to a place where the Jewish community was destroyed. Soothe the souls of the dead.
The work, “Ritual Cut”, consists of two large cuts in the body of the Earth in the shape of a cross . It is replicating the same technique used for ceremonial tattoos in primal cultures. The bottom of the cuts is filled with soil from Israel.
The project is made only from natural materials- soil and grass, and on top of its aesthetic value carries spiritual significance.
Tanya Preminger at work, the Pedvale Museum site tanya Preminger at work
Photo:Laura Feldberga