Israel-Page Israeli General Abroad in St. Petersburg: Israel HOLDS OUT HIS HAND to KRONSTADT with 8 to 15 June in kronstadt was VII International Environmental Art Festival “Kronfest”, which was attended by Israeli artist Tanya Preminger.
In kronstadt, Tanya implemented the project, reflecting the spirit of the port city. Palm, a rubble on the shoreline, on the one hand is an allusion to one of the moorings of Kronstadt, and on the other hand, the symbol of human friendship, open interoperability and the sea. Tanya worked on the project for the entire week of the Festival, with the help of several volunteers-so great was the scale of the work.
In addition, within the framework of the Festival together with Tanya Karelian artist Vladimir Zorinym performed at the round table “the art of landscaping in the world artistic practice “, which was held on 10 June in the Museum of urban sculpture in St. Petersburg. During the round table, Tania presented a retrospective of his work and responded to questions raised by the guests.
Tanya Preminger was born in 1944 in Taganrog, immigrated to Israel in 1972. Tania is an artist of international renown, participant of more than 80 international exhibitions of landscape art and more than 20 solo exhibitions. More than 50 of her sculptures are installed in Israel and abroad. Tanya is the winner of international festivals and competitions. Since 1995, is a patron.
As a sculptor, Tanya Preminger works mainly with natural materials such as Earth, grass, stones, uses a variety of artistic techniques and experiments: Environmental Art, sculpture, land art, eco art, installation, photo.
Most of all, for the recognition of the Tanya, she enjoys working with the Earth. Being an immigrant citizen of the USSR, Tania explains her love for this material, “one earth I left, another is gained.”
In her works she raises a wide range of topics, including life and death, the interaction of man and nature, national identity.
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